• Yoga Center :-

    Yoga is widely embraced for its holistic approach to nurturing physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Through the structured practice of Yoga, the benefits extend to both healthy individuals and those grappling with illness or pain, showing significant and positive outcomes.

    At PBCOE, Yoga is championed as a bridge connecting the physical, psychological, and spiritual facets of well-being among our students and staff. The physical aspects, activated through Yoga, contribute to overall fitness, while the psychological benefits encompass improved coping mechanisms, self- efficacy, and a more positive mood. Additionally, the spiritual dimensions of Yoga practice foster acceptance and mindful awareness.

    PBCOE firmly believes that Yoga is instrumental in cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Recognizing the immense pressure students face, leading to stress and limited relaxation time, Yoga is seamlessly integrated into our standard curriculum. This integration aims to facilitate comprehensive development among our students. In this endeavor, first-year students are introduced to the enriching practices of Yoga during the Orientation Program, and our esteemed faculty also partake in Yoga sessions to maintain their well-being.